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Vision, Mission and Purpose

 As the foremost Organization of the Igbo people in Japan, the vision of Igbo Association of Japan is to create sustainable solutions essential for a better, safer and healthier Ndigbo in Japan.​


Igbo Association of Japan is dedicated to enhancing the quality  of life of Igbo people in Japan and in their homeland in Nigeria by meeting the needs of these people through the restoration of their renowned penchant for self-actualization.

The purposes for which the Association was organized are charitable, educational, scientific, health, environment, and economic development and specifically as follows;


  • To foster unity, love and brotherhood, promote our enviable cultural values and social interactions among the Igbos in Japan.

  • To promote, protect and advance Igbo culture and civilization.

  • To build strong family ties and to encourage a high level of moral conduct and other traditional yardsticks of Igbos family values.

  • To promote and cultivate political awareness and civic responsibility among Ndigbo.

  • To promote harmony and peaceful co-existence among themselves and with other ethnic groups through promoting equality across gender and community divides.

  • To patronize and encourage one another in all honest endeavors and thus buttress the development of a strong Igbo economic unit.

  • To provide a forum to discuss and monitor the larger issue of the political well being of Igbos as a group on a non-partisan.

  • To receive, invest, hold property and disburse funds for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of IAOJ without violating the nonprofit status.

  • To conduct other activities not inconsistent with the by-laws.

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